
Monday, November 12, 2012

Hazardous Sales part 1

Instead of the once-a-week/Monday-only schedule here at the Hazardous Tales site, this week were posting ALL WEEK! Monday through Friday! Oh boy! Why, you ask?

It's time for the Hazardous SALES meeting, covering our first three months. Let's peek in with our narrators and see how it goes:

That's right, sales of Hazardous Tales are like a tank doing a bellyflop--okay they aren't THAT bad, but they are for the sake of this story. I'm new to this non-fiction comics game. It's a slower game than I am used to.

Tune in tomorrow to see what Ms. Fox has planned to boost sales!

I know a good plan--it involves you, the blog reader, buying some copies of the Hazardous Tales. That's an awesome plan. Now, chances are, if you are a Hazardous Tales blog reader, you already have copies of the books. But your neighbors don't--your pets don't--your neighbor's pets don't! There are so many people that DON'T have copies. This week, we are going to try to change that.