
Friday, August 23, 2013

Work in Progress

Just poking my head above ground for a minute. This blogging-free month has been a busy month for Hazardous Tales #4. Here's a sample of one 2-page spread in progress:

If all goes as planned, this book will be out next spring.

How is everyone liking DONNER DINNER PARTY? Do me a favor and post your reviews on your favorite review-posting locations--even if it's just a hand-written note on your fridge!

Monday, August 5, 2013

August means...

Can you name everyone in this party?

Nathan Hale's HAZARDOUS TALES is now one year old! Thanks to fans, bookstore owners, librarians, teachers, and especially you--the reader--it's been a great year!

We're going to celebrate the best way we can--which is working hard on the next book. In fact, the next book is taking so much work, we're taking a month-long break from the regular weekly comics you've come to expect here at Don't worry, we'll be back with regular Monday posts in September!

If you are new to the series, take a look back at the site's archives. There are loads of great comics: Historical Hats, This Week in History, Hazardous Holidays and a few mini stories. Take a look! And come back in September for more.

Thanks, and have a great August!